May the 4th be will you today.
Here’s some of the best stuff I’ve read the past couple of days. Feel free to discard or ignore whatever isn’t in your zone.
- Playoffs – Can the Wizards really take out the Hawks?
- Here’s why the Grizzlies have a chance against Kerr, Curry & Co.
- What Millennials want
- How you can tell if a MLB pitcher is scared of a hitter (or not)
- Podcast advertising – best analysis I’ve ever read on it
- The future of Live Events – What the Mayweather Periscope gig showed is this: the interactivity during an event > the event itself (even a $100 pay-per-view fight of the century).
- The Great Unbundling – Bob Lefsetz strikes again – asking the key question, “If I can get just the piece of media I want why would I pay extra for the fluff?” Great piece.